Business Week cover - May 2, 2005contact: HotTip[at] (replace [at] with @)
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Corporate Blog:
[1] why your company needs one for P.R. and
[2] why I'm the guy to do it.

[1] See [a] The Wall Street Journal ("Blogs allow firms to assume a natural tone rather than the public-relations speak typical of some static Web pages, and readers are often invited to post comments.");

[b] Business Edge ("If businesses don't wake up to this point that's already tipped, they'll miss an opportunity to show the human face of the news releases."); and

[c] Business Week ("Go ahead and bellyache about blogs. But you cannot afford to close your eyes to them, because they're simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the Internet itself. And they're going to shake up just about every business - including yours.").

click for course syllabus[2] Alan C. Baird (that would be me) [a] recently created and taught a Blogging course ( for the University of California;

[b] created one of the West Coast's top magazine blogs, and wrote 631 articles during his first 9 months as Online Editor for Palm Springs Life;

[c] has been blogging (Snoozeletter) since 1996, before the term "blog" was coined and long before automatic blogging software was invented;

[d] coauthored the book;

Alan C. Baird, during «Coppola´s Zoetrope» CNBC/c|net interview - click for details[e] is a prizewinning writer of microfiction/nonfiction/interviews/reviews/satire (;

[f] wrote a blogging-themed screenplay (;

[g] wrote/produced/edited promos for NBC, HBO and UPN;

ZoBlogs icon - click for listings[h] created and now maintains the ZoBlogs showcase at Francis Ford Coppola's Virtual Studio;

[i] created and now maintains a member-news blog for the Palm Springs Writers Guild; and

[j] created and maintained an unofficial gossip blog for the 2004 Palm Springs Short Films Festival.